Tuesday 5 May 2015

Eyjafjallajokull case study - MEDC Volcano

Located in south Iceland, Eyjaf stands at 1666m high. It is situated above the mid atlantic ridge which is a constructive boundary where the North American and Eurasian plate are moving apart from each other.

  • Volcanic events started in March 2010, initially a fissure opened up (around 150m in length) with up to 12 different lava craters ejecting lava 150m into the air at temperature of up to 1000 degrees. The lava is basaltic, therefore it has a very low silica content. 
  • On 14 April 2010 the eruption entered a new, explosive phase where it ejected fine ash into the air. 
  • Ash rose to heights of 35,000 feet. 
  • An estimated 100 million cubic metres of tephra was ejected.

  • 700 people were evacuated
  • 20 farms destroyed, now difficult to farm and harvest
  • flooding contaminated waters
  • local water levels rose
  • Anticyclone weather caused 6 day flight ban which cancelled 95,000 flights. The ash would have got into engines and stopped them from working.
  • LEDCs such as Kenya who rely on exporting green beans suffered
  • 6 day flight ban - 95,000 flights cancelled and estimated it cost airline £1.2 billion!
  • evacuation of 700 people
  • within 4 weeks the main route 1 which was covered has been rebuilt.

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