Sunday 24 May 2015

Vision 2030 Kenya - Geog4B

Launched in 2008. It is a long term development program that aim to transform Kenya into a middle income country.
The aim is to achieve average annual growth of 10% per annum until 2030.
There are 3 main pillars underpinned by what are called enablers.
Enablers for this growth include macroeconomic stability, governance reforms, improved infrastructure, increased human capital.
The projects are implemented in 5 year medium term plans.

Pillar 1: Economic
Economic projects aim to target tourism, agriculture and manufacturing among others.
Projects include:

  • development of special economic zones (SEZs) in the cities of Kisumu, Mombasa and Lama - they offer tax incentives for FDI and can provide jobs.
  • Creating resort cities especially for tourism. Example is Diani, this will attract tourists and FDI.
  • There are many other projects that can be found here
Pillar 2: Social
Social projects aim to target education/training, health and the environment
Projects include:
  • Construction of 560 secondary schools
  • strengthening KEMSA through increased funding
  • waste management strategy in Nairobi
  • There are many other projects that can be found here
Pillar 3:
Political projects target rule of law (2010), the electoral process and democracy among others.
Projects include:
  • Constitutional reform
  • national cohesion improvements
  • There are many other projects that can be found here
Big flagship projects that aim to include all 3 pillars:
  • Expansion and modernization of JKIA (Joma Kenyatta international airport) and Kisumu airports
  • Road network expansion to rural areas
  • CCTV installation in major urban areas including Nairobi, Kisumu and Mombasa.
  • Investing in green energy
  • Improvements of rail networks
  • setting up international sports academy
It is worth noting that Kenya has recently discovered large oil reserves that should aid in development of Kenya.

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